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PETSc Vec and PETSc Mat

This tutorial will be focused on how to use the PETSc KSP class to solve the linear systems that are obtained from a finite element discretization of a partial differential equation (PDE). In particular, we will show how to use the VectorMapping class to map PETSc Vec to NGSolve vectors and vice versa and the Matrix class to create a PETSc Mat from an NGSolve BilinearForm.

We begin initializing the cluster to the test parallel implementation in a Jupyter notebook, you can do this also using the command line, i.e. ipcluster start –engines=MPI -n 4.

from ipyparallel import Cluster
c = await Cluster().start_and_connect(n=1, activate=True)
Starting 1 engines with <class 'ipyparallel.cluster.launcher.LocalEngineSetLauncher'>

Let’s test if the cluster has been initialized correctly by checking the size of the COMM_WORLD.

from mpi4py.MPI import COMM_WORLD
Out[0:1]: 1

First we need to construct the distributed mesh that will be used to define the finite element space that will be used to discretize the PDE here considered.

from ngsolve import Mesh
from netgen.geom2d import unit_square
import netgen.meshing as ngm

if COMM_WORLD.rank == 0:
    mesh = Mesh(unit_square.GenerateMesh(maxh=0.2).Distribute(COMM_WORLD))
    mesh = Mesh(ngm.Mesh.Receive(COMM_WORLD))

We now proceed constructing a linear polynomial finite element space, with \(H^1\) conformity, and discretize the mass matrix that represent the \(L^2\) scalar product in the discrete context. We create a mass matrix to initialize a NGSolve vector corresponding a GridFunction defined on the finite element space here considered.

from ngsolve import H1, BilinearForm, dx
fes = H1(mesh, order=1, dirichlet="left|right|top|bottom")
u,v = fes.TnT()
m = BilinearForm(u*v*dx).Assemble()
M = m.mat
ngsVec = M.CreateColVector()

We are now ready to create a VectorMapping that we will first use to construct PETSc Vec corresponding to the ngsVec just initialized. The only information that the VectorMapping class needs is the finite element space corresponding to the vector associated to the GridFunction we aim to map, this because the NGSolve FESpace class contains information about the way the degrees of freedom are distributed and which degrees of freedom are not constrained by the boundary conditions.

from ngsPETSc import VectorMapping
Map = VectorMapping(fes)
petscVec = Map.petscVec(ngsVec)
print("Vector type is {} and it has size {}.".format(petscVec.type,petscVec.size))
[stdout:0] Vector type is seq and it has size 17.

We now use the Matrix class to create a PETSc Mat from a NGSolve BilinearForm. Once the Matrix class has been set up, it is possible to access the corresponding PETSc Mat object as Matrix().mat. By default, if the communicator world is larger than one mat is initialized as a PETSc mpiaij which is the default sparse parallel matrix in PETSc, while if the communicator world is one than mat is initialized as a PETSc seqaij which is the default serial matrix in PETSc. We can also spy inside the matrix using the Matrix().view() method.

from ngsPETSc import Matrix
M = Matrix(m.mat, fes)
print("Matrix type is {} and it has size {}.".format(M.mat.type,M.mat.size))
[stdout:0] Matrix type is seqaij and it has size (17, 17).
Mat Object: 1 MPI process
  type: seqaij
row 0: (0, 0.0224274)  (1, 0.00348275)  (10, 0.00389906)  (12, 0.00344571)
row 1: (0, 0.00348275)  (1, 0.0198054)  (2, 0.00329403)  (11, 0.00318985)  (12, 0.00335232)
row 2: (1, 0.00329403)  (2, 0.0213869)  (3, 0.00364805)  (11, 0.00320442)
row 3: (2, 0.00364805)  (3, 0.0187914)  (4, 0.00276012)  (11, 0.0029006)  (15, 0.00252874)
row 4: (3, 0.00276012)  (4, 0.0161198)  (5, 0.00273449)  (13, 0.0025502)  (15, 0.00239586)
row 5: (4, 0.00273449)  (5, 0.0170459)  (6, 0.00262495)  (13, 0.00256258)
row 6: (5, 0.00262495)  (6, 0.0125646)  (7, 0.00238756)  (13, 0.00238142)
row 7: (6, 0.00238756)  (7, 0.0176799)  (8, 0.00325374)  (13, 0.00285307)  (16, 0.00338652)
row 8: (7, 0.00325374)  (8, 0.0200592)  (9, 0.00312461)  (14, 0.00350041)  (16, 0.00368234)
row 9: (8, 0.00312461)  (9, 0.0189321)  (14, 0.00362765)
row 10: (0, 0.00389906)  (10, 0.0211063)  (12, 0.00340267)  (14, 0.00383436)
row 11: (1, 0.00318985)  (2, 0.00320442)  (3, 0.0029006)  (11, 0.0187766)  (12, 0.0034216)  (15, 0.0027623)  (16, 0.00329787)
row 12: (0, 0.00344571)  (1, 0.00335232)  (10, 0.00340267)  (11, 0.0034216)  (12, 0.0210307)  (14, 0.00364803)  (16, 0.00376036)
row 13: (4, 0.0025502)  (5, 0.00256258)  (6, 0.00238142)  (7, 0.00285307)  (13, 0.0159034)  (15, 0.00253607)  (16, 0.0030201)
row 14: (8, 0.00350041)  (9, 0.00362765)  (10, 0.00383436)  (12, 0.00364803)  (14, 0.0226675)  (16, 0.00387176)
row 15: (3, 0.00252874)  (4, 0.00239586)  (11, 0.0027623)  (13, 0.00253607)  (15, 0.0130458)  (16, 0.00282287)
row 16: (7, 0.00338652)  (8, 0.00368234)  (11, 0.00329787)  (12, 0.00376036)  (13, 0.0030201)  (14, 0.00387176)  (15, 0.00282287)  (16, 0.0238418)

There are other matrices format that are wrapped some of which are device dependent, to mention a few: - dense, store and operate on the matrix in dense format, - cusparse, store and operate on the matrix on NVIDIA GPU device in CUDA sparse format, - aijmkl, store and operate on the matrix in Intel MKL format.

M = Matrix(m.mat, fes, matType="dense")

Example (Precondition Inverse Iteration)

We here implement the Precondition INVerse ITeration (PINVIT) developed by Knyazef and Neymeyr, more detail here, using PETSc. In particular, we will use the PINVIT scheme to compute the eigenvalue of the Laplacian, i.e. we are looking for \(\lambda\in \mathbb{R}\) such that it exits \(u\in H^1_0(\Omega)\) that verifies following equation for any \(v\in H^1_0(\Omega)\)

\[\int_\Omega \nabla u \cdot \nabla v \; d\vec{x} = \lambda \int_\Omega uv\;d\vec{x}.\]

We solve this specific problem by looking for the eigenvalue of the generalised eigenproblem \(A\vec{u}_h = \lambda M\vec{u}_h\) where \(A\) and \(M\) are the finite element discretisation respectively of the stiffness matrix corresponding to the Laplacian and the mass matrix corresponding to the \(L^2\) inner product. We begin constructing the finite element discretisation for \(A\) and \(M\).

from ngsolve import grad, Preconditioner, GridFunction
a = BilinearForm(fes)
a += grad(u)*grad(v)*dx
u = GridFunction(fes)

The heart of the PINVIT scheme there is an iteration similar idea to the Rayleigh quotient iteration for a generalised eigenvalue problem, more detail can be found in Nick Trefethen’s Numerical Linear Algebra, Lecture 27:

\[\vec{u}_h^{(n+1)} = \omega_1^{(n)}\vec{u}_{h}^{(n)}+\omega_2^{(n)} \vec{\omega}_h^{(n)}, \qquad \vec{\omega}_h^{(n)}= P^{-1}(A\vec{u}_h^{(n)}-\rho_n M\vec{u}_h^{(n)}),\]

where \(P^{-1}\) is an approximate inverse of the stifness matrix \(A\) and \(\rho_n\) is the Rayleigh quotient corresponding to \(\vec{u}_h^{(n)}\), i.e.

\[\rho_{n} = \frac{(\vec{u}_h^{(n)}, A \vec{u}_h^{(n)})}{(\vec{u}_h^{(n)}, M\vec{u}_h^{(n)})}.\]

Instrumental in order to obtain a converged PINVIT scheme is our choice of \(\alpha_n\), but we will postpone this discuss and first implement the previous itration for a fixed choice of \(\omega_i^{(n)}\).

def stepChoice(Asc,Msc,w,u0):
    return (0.5,0.5)

We begin constructing a PETSc Mat object corresponding to \(A\) and \(M\) using the ngsPETSc Matrix class. We then construct a VectorMapping to convert NGSolve GridFunction to PETSc Vec.

A = Matrix(a.mat, fes)
M = Matrix(m.mat, fes)
Map = VectorMapping(fes)

We then construct a PETSc PC object used to create an approximate inverse of \(A\), in particular we will be interested in using a preconditioner build using HYPRE.

from petsc4py import PETSc
pc = PETSc.PC()

We now implement the iteration itself, starting from a PETSc Vec that we create from a PETSc Mat to be sure it has the correct size, and that we then set to have random entries.

from math import pi
itMax = 10
u0 = A.mat.createVecLeft()
w = A.mat.createVecLeft()
for it in range(itMax):
        Au0 = u0.duplicate(); A.mat.mult(u0,Au0)
        Mu0 = u0.duplicate(); M.mat.mult(u0,Mu0)
        rho =
        print("[{}] Eigenvalue estimate: {}".format(it,rho/(pi**2)))
        u = Au0+rho*Mu0
        alpha = stepChoice(A.mat,M.mat,w,u0)
        u0 = alpha[0]*u0+alpha[1]*w
[stdout:0] [0] Eigenvalue estimate: 6.4389641604089185
[1] Eigenvalue estimate: 3.343928625687638
[2] Eigenvalue estimate: 2.6416489541644186
[3] Eigenvalue estimate: 2.3821542621098093
[4] Eigenvalue estimate: 2.2665070692423788
[5] Eigenvalue estimate: 2.210409247274843
[6] Eigenvalue estimate: 2.1819357667646018
[7] Eigenvalue estimate: 2.167055475874936
[8] Eigenvalue estimate: 2.1590946930855504
[9] Eigenvalue estimate: 2.1547369780738284

We now need to discuss how to choose the step size \(\omega_i\) and we do this by solving the optimization problem,

\[\vec{u}_h^{(n+1)} = \underset{\vec{v}\in <\vec{u}_h^{n},\, \vec{\omega}_h^{(n)}>}{arg\;min} \frac{(\vec{u}_h^{(n+1)}, A \vec{u}_h^{(n+1)})}{(\vec{u}_h^{(n+1)}, M\vec{u}_h^{(n+1)})}\]

and we do solving a small generalised eigenvalue problem, i.e.

\[\begin{split}\begin{bmatrix} \vec{u}_h^{(n)}\cdot A \vec{u}_h^{(n)} & \vec{u_h}^{(n)}\cdot A \vec{\omega}_h^{(n)}\\ \vec{\omega}_h^{(n)}\cdot A \vec{u}_h^{(n)} & \vec{\omega}_h^{(n)}\cdot A \vec{\omega}_h^{(n)} \end{bmatrix} = \omega \begin{bmatrix} \vec{u}_h^{(n)}\cdot M \vec{u}_h^{(n)} & \vec{u_h}^{(n)}\cdot M \vec{\omega}_h^{(n)}\\ \vec{\omega}_h^{(n)}\cdot M \vec{u}_h^{(n)} & \vec{\omega}_h^{(n)}\cdot M \vec{\omega}_h^{(n)} \end{bmatrix}.\end{split}\]
import numpy as np
from scipy.linalg import eigh
def stepChoice(Asc,Msc,w,u0):
    Au0 = u0.duplicate(); Asc.mult(u0,Au0)
    Mu0 = u0.duplicate(); Msc.mult(u0,Mu0)
    Aw = w.duplicate(); Asc.mult(w,Aw)
    Mw = w.duplicate(); Msc.mult(w,Mw)
    smallA = np.array([[,],[,]])
    smallM = np.array([[,],[,]])
    _, evec = eigh(a=smallA, b=smallM)
    return (float(evec[0,0]),float(evec[1,0]))

itMax = 10
u0 = A.mat.createVecLeft()
w = A.mat.createVecLeft()
for it in range(itMax):
        Au0 = u0.duplicate(); A.mat.mult(u0,Au0)
        Mu0 = u0.duplicate(); M.mat.mult(u0,Mu0)
        rho =
        print("[{}] Eigenvalue estimate: {}".format(it,rho/(pi**2)))
        u = Au0+rho*Mu0
        alpha = stepChoice(A.mat,M.mat,w,u0)
        u0 = alpha[0]*u0+alpha[1]*w
[stdout:0] [0] Eigenvalue estimate: 6.4389641604089185
[1] Eigenvalue estimate: 2.182148561544114
[2] Eigenvalue estimate: 2.149490978038022
[3] Eigenvalue estimate: 2.1482074870710552
[4] Eigenvalue estimate: 2.148165460157942
[5] Eigenvalue estimate: 2.1481654570280604
[6] Eigenvalue estimate: 2.148165457028059
[7] Eigenvalue estimate: 2.1481654570280577
[8] Eigenvalue estimate: 2.148165457028059
[9] Eigenvalue estimate: 2.148165457028058